Thursday, September 8, 2016

U.S. Federal Employee Salary Raw Data

I was attempting to collect information on U.S. Federal Employees and their Salaries and came across a few sites that allowed you to search and see a few salaries at once, but did not provide the entire raw data set.


Ultimately I used the raw data set provided here: (I downloaded the Fiscal Year 2015 data from August 28, 2016)

However they only provide the data in CSV files, so I imported them into a SQL Database and I've made that available for download here:

The ZIP Archive contains a SQL Server DB Backup file that can be restored on your local SQL Server instance.

The schema of the database, and an example query, can be found here:

Hope this helps,
Aaron download data archive as relational database

I recently attempted to create a data visualization based on the data available at here:

The data is available in .csv and .tsv formats, but I preferred a relational database to easily query and investigate the data.

I have requested that they make the data available in a relational format for ease of use, however I am not sure if or when that will happen.

In the meantime, I will provide my relational database to anyone who requests it. Just comment below, or email me.
